I Help New Executives Achieve Peak Performance By Identifying and Removing Their Blind Spots”- Robert Moment ICF Certified Executive Coach and ICF Certified Emotional Intelligence Expert

New Executive Peak Performance Program
Risk Free On Boarding

  • Corporate Executive Board (CEB) estimates that 50% to 70% of executives fail within 18 months of taking on a role, regardless of whether they were an external hire or promoted from within.
  • A survey of 2600 Fortune 1000 executives conducted by Navalent found that 76% executives said that formal development processes were inadequate.
  • Research by McKinsey Senior Partners Mary Meaney and Scott Keller also reveals that three-quarters of executives consider themselves unprepared for the position.

Source: Forbes

Struggling As a New Executive to Develop Your Success Blueprint?

Learn To Build an Unshakeable Confidence, Develop Strong Emotional Intelligence, Master the Art of Persuasive Communication All While Nailing High-Performance

Leverage An Incredible Coaching Program to Smash Through Your Most Aspiring ‘Stretch-Goals’

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FREE Special Report for New Executives

"9 Blind spots New Executives Need to Avoid" 

BONUS: "11 Tips for New Executives to Elevate Their Game for Next Level Success"

9 Blind Spots for New Executives to Avoid to Succeed

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Are you a new executive looking to achieve peak performance?

Most of us want to be successful when it comes to our careers. So, we work hard in our roles and do everything we can to achieve greatness.

However, when it comes to being an executive, the path to success is not always so clear. In fact, many executives struggle in their roles and never quite reach the level of success they aspire to.

It’s tough to find a result-oriented direction and even tougher to find someone to help you fix that.

As a new executive, it’s challenging to figure out where to start and how to grow your career. You’re trying to do everything well, but you’re not sure what you’re missing.

Not knowing what you’re doing is one of the biggest reasons for failure. And you can’t succeed if you don’t know how to take action.

Here’s The Thing,

All new executives face obstacles, but many never reach their full potential because they are unaware of their blind spots.As a result, they lack the mindset necessary to take their performance to the next level.

This is a common problem that can be incredibly frustrating and costly for you. Without the proper training and support, it’s easy to get stuck in a rut and fall behind your competition.

But you don’t have to feel stuck anymore!!!

Hi, my name is Robert Moment , ICF Certified Executive Coach and ICF Certified Emotional Intelligence Expert and Author with over 15 years of coaching experience along with exceptional business acumen working for iconic Fortune 500 Companies and being a lifetime learner. I help new executives achieve peak performance by identifying and removing their blind spots.

Make Smarter Decisions, Manage Workplace Conflicts Effectively and Enjoy Sustainable Growth

Does it feel like you’re alone in this new role and that everyone else seems to have everything figured out?Without the proper guidance, it’s easy for new executives like yourself to make critical mistakes that can set them back years.

And this is exactly why you need Executive and Emotional Intelligence Coaching!

Bringing into play years of professional experience in this coaching program, I help executives develop emotional intelligence skills such as empathy, self-awareness, motivation, and communication to become influential leaders who can build high-performing teams.

With this coaching, you will take on any challenge that comes your way with ease and confidence. And have everything you need to reach the top of your career – and stay there! 

So, What Are the Desired Outcomes After the Coaching Program?


High-Performance & Self-Confidence

It can be tough to feel confident and believe in yourself when you’re up against successful people who seem like they have it all together.

This coaching program will train your brain to become a high-performing executive by increasing your confidence, abilities, and belief in yourself.


Unlock True Potential

You’re capable of so much more than you’re achieving right now.
So why not do something about it?
After this coaching, you’ll be able to manage your time better, stay organized, and get more done each day.

And will also learn to create strategies you need to achieve your goals and reach maximum effectiveness.



Taking control of the situations is key to success in any area of life, but it’s something that many people struggle with.

In this coaching, we will work together on your personal, professional, and social development so that you can take accountability for inner and outer actions to succeed in all areas of your life.



You know that you have a lot to offer to your organization, but it’s hard to communicate and show your value in a way that feels authentic.

With the completion of this coaching, you’ll be able to identify your unique strengths and communicate your vision with others, enabling you to shine inside and outside the organization.


Improved Mental Health

Mental health is essential for growth but is often overlooked.
An integral part of this coaching is to improve your mental health and teach you mindfulness so that you don’t get overwhelmed too often.

After successfully taking the coaching, you’ll be able to create goals, develop healthy habits, and learn how to say no without feeling guilty.


Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is critical for progress in any field, yet few people have mastered this skill.

The utmost goal of this coaching will be to improve your emotional intelligence skills to help you become an ambitious leader, build good relations, reduce conflicts and inspire others.

What My Clients Have Achieved with This Coaching

I promise NO SALES Pitch. No Fluff. No Gimmicks. You will gain clarity, focus, strategy and direction during the call.

A Smashing Process to Get You Smashing Results

I work with new executives one-on-one to help them develop a clear roadmap for their work and the skillset necessary to execute it.

Using the F.A.S.T Method™ that I have developed, you’ll learn how to set measurable goals, take action, manage your time and stay on track.


ocus On Goals


ttitude For Success


trategic Leadership


eam Growth Activities

Are you ready to break free from cluelessness, identify your blind spots and remove career-hurting obstacles?

Don’t wait any longer – contact me today for more information on how I can help you:

Click below, and let's take your career to new heights.

I promise NO SALES PITCH. No Fluff. No Gimmicks. You will receive active listening, gain clarity, focus, strategy and direction during the call. I will tell you where you are as a New Executive and where you need to be. You decide if you need my help.

Robert Moment

ICF Certified Executive Coach

ICF Certified EQ Expert

Author of the bestselling book

Executive Coaching: The Ultimate Success Blueprint You Need as a New Executive to Get the Best Business Results


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